How to book?


Search, compare and choose your accommodation

Use our searching tools to find the accommodation which best fits your criteria: availability, needs, tastes, budget... With our searching tools you can filter houses and apartments according to your interests.


How you want to pay?

Choose the method of payment for the 50% of the booking price. You can pay via bank transfer, credit card or Paypal. Once checked your booking summary, finish the process by clicking in 'book'.


Your booking was successful!

You will receive a confirmation e-mail with your booking details. In case you chose the bank transfer as a payment method, we will inform you about the following steps to confirm your booking. Now you are ready to enjoy your unforgettable holidays with Costa Girona!



Once you have booked and made the payment you will receive the confirmation of the reservation and an entry voucher with all the information for your holidays, time of entry, departure, telephone number of the agency, address for the delivery of keys, etc.